Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Always double the time needed. Always.

     Last night I made a chicken stew from Real Simple Magazine. I chose this recipe because we all like olives, and it's different than my usual fare. Also, it is indeed pretty simple.
     However, I misread the suggested time and thought it was a 30 minute recipe. In fact, it's a 60 minute recipe. Thankfully, I still started a full hour before we were supposed to eat. A good thing, since it took almost 90 minutes to prepare, and would have taken 1 3/4 hours if I had followed all of the directions. Why so long?
Here's why:

Original Recipe: Chicken and pepper stew with olives

1/2 cup flour                             3 green bell peppers sliced
1 tsp. paprika                            4 cloves of garlic, smashed
1 1/2 tsp salt                             2 cups chicken broth
3/4 pepper                                2 cups pitted olives
16 chicken thighs, halved         1/2 cup golden raisins
3 Tbsp. olive oil                       2 cups cooked rice
3 red bell peppers, sliced

Changes I made: 1/3 the amount of chicken, and halved the rest of the ingredients (except the rice). Also, added some red wine. Because red wine makes everything taste better.

Real-time directions (for our house, anyway):

4:29 - put baby in play pen; baby commences play; toddler (who has been ill) is occupied with something or other
4:30 - begin cooking brown rice
4:32 - begin slicing peppers (who has them pre-sliced? It's such a cheat to list sliced veggies in the ingredient list.) 
        - pretend to be a Wiggle at behest of toddler
4:35 - baby commences fussing; remember to make green beans for baby (no stew for you!)
4:37 - mix together flour, paprika, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper
        - pretend to be Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother
        - baby commences screaming
4:39 - pick up baby and attempt to soothe
4:45 - nurse baby
4:55 - abandon all principles; turn on Baby Einstein for both toddler and baby
4:56 - cut up chicken (again, I'd like to note the cheat factor in listing "halved chicken" in the ingredient list)
5:00 - coat chicken with flour mixture
        - put oil in a large pot and heat on medium high
5:02 - realize that the wrong burner is on, and am about to burn paper plate on which coated chicken is sitting
        - in mad dash to turn off burner, knife hits numerous clean utensils and smears chicken juice all over them ( #*@$@!!)
5:04 - begin browning chicken thighs
5:05 - sick toddler asks for cuddle, but mommy is cooking. Bad mommy.
5:08 - baby commences screaming
5:10 - abandon principles again: hold baby near hot stove as I flip chicken
        - note that toddler is asleep; poor little toddler
5:12 - arm tired; put baby down in front of fridge to play with magnets
5:15 - baby almost crushes finger in lazy susan; back into play pen!
5:16 - baby screaming
5:17 - begin eyeing wine bottle
5:20 - remove very browned chicken (which has now been cooking for double the amount of time it should be)
        - deglaze pot with a bit of wine; add peppers, 1/2 cup broth, rest of salt and pepper
5:21 - pick up baby
        - stir peppers occasionally
5:26 - garage door opens!!
5:27 - hand off baby to husband
5:30 - peppers too soft
        - add chicken and remaining ingredients, including garlic that was forgotten earlier
        - simmer, covered for 15 minutes
        - congratulate self for buying the pitted olives
5:33 - turn off rice; let sit with lid on
        - set table, do some laundary
5:40 - rice is done (for a change)
5:48 - chicken is cooked through (at this point, I was supposed to uncover and simmer another 15-20 minutes. oops.]
         - begin waking up toddler
5:50 - wrath of toddler incurred
5:55 - sit down to eat

6:45 - finally drain rest of green beans, now devoid of all nutrients
     So, how did it taste? Well, Jon added sriracha sauce and Anna basically sobbed and had tantrums all through dinner. But I really liked it, and will make it again.
     It's been awhile since I tried to cook a meal right before dinner. These days I'm all about the slow cooker, or making meals early in the day (while someone is napping) and reheating later. I think we'll go back to that for awhile.

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