Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No longer bored

Last January, I wrote about the winter doldrums and how January is the longest month. This year I've barely noticed January and now February is half-way through. How times have changed! Between preschool, Anna's class at the rec center (which she hated), her drama class (which she loves), my woman's bible study, and working out at the gym, the time has passed way to quickly. Somewhere in there I also managed to host a Super Bowl party, organize a family Valentine's Dance at our church, and geared up to host a workshop (in the spring) on preventing childhood sexual abuse. Meanwhile, Jon is coming home late today after his third business trip in four weeks.
In short, this is why I have not been posting with any frequency of late. And by all rights I should be cleaning up the dishes or sweeping the floor or folding the laundry or unpacking the Target bags or dealing with the swimming stuff from this morning or answering the myriad e-mails that need attention.
But instead I had a chocolate caramel and sat down here - aren't you glad?

Yes, I am feeling a little burned out and tired. All the things we've been doing are good and/or fun, but I do need a minute now and again.

Anna seems to be enjoying these many adventures. She is always up for an outing, although perhaps not getting ready for that outing. She has declared a hatred for winter due to the necessity of outerwear. I also abhor the outerwear, simply because it is yet another thing she must do before we head out the door. Anna has become quite the daydreamer, and if she isn't spending time making faces in the bathroom mirror, she is singing a made-up song about shoes, or perhaps exploring different ways of putting on her jacket. Lovely, funny, and a little frustrating if it is Time To Go. I think I've hit upon a solution, though. I set a timer by the door and give her some amount of time to get ready to go. If she takes less than 5 minutes, she gets to dress a princess on the computer. If it takes 5-10 minutes, she breaks even. Longer than 10 minutes and she loses dessert at dinner time. She hasn't taken more than 5 minutes to get ready, all week! And then she makes faces or sings songs for the remaining time. Win-win.

Isaac continues to be the tough nut these days. At 21 months he is frustrated in a way that Anna never was, due to his lack of verbosity. He's not behind, she was just that much ahead. So I feel under-experienced here. I suppose it's also annoying for him that our adventures are Anna-focused. Yes, he gets to run around the community center during Anna's drama class, but the novelty is wearing thin and he doesn't quite remember why I'm shoving him into the car to begin with. Diaper changes are another challenge. Each one becomes a wrestling match, and he feels it's a wrestle to the death. I'm hoping his anger at the change table will somehow translate into early potty-readiness. Time will tell.

At the same time, 21 months is so adorable. That elfish grin! The way he says "dump-cah" instead of dump-truck. The extreme love he has for all things with wheels and all stuffed animals everywhere. His ability to play by himself (!!). The cute way he says "bite" whenever he wants to taste my food. (Well, that was cute. Now it prevents me from eating breakfast or lunch at the table.) Watching him admire and emulate his sister. His interpretive dance and ability to execute a mean pirouette. How he soaks up a cuddle, melting into your arms.
Yummy yummy toddler.

1 comment:

  1. I think it can be hard to strike the right balance of busy-ness. I've gone through periods where in hindsight, I wasn't involved enough in the outside world and then of course, times when I have tried to do way too much. I guess it's a process of knowing yourself and your kids and your family and all that.
