Saturday, October 23, 2010

News & Notes from the Week

  • A rare bald eagle sighting during my run. I took a picture with my new phone, but have no idea how to upload it here.
  • Yes, I finally replaced my mobile, thereby joining the 21st century. Alas, its been very buggy and needs to be returned. Fail.
  • Autumnal colors are great! Autumn is great! This is my favorite time of year.
  • Realize I spent most of the week simply preventing kiddos from hurting each other, often with mixed success. Isaac now sports a fat lip.
  • Cantaloupe plants accidentally sprouted from our compost pile in the spring, and actual cantaloupes resulted. We finally brought the fruit into the house. Only one was fully ripe, and its flavor was fantastic. The others looked great but tasted like nothing. Literally, they had no taste. This visual-flavour discrepancy was tough for my poor brain. It tried very hard to taste some sort of melon, but with no success.
  • Found myself completely unable to memorize Psalm 100. Perhaps too many brain cells trying to solve the melon problem.
  • Fervently wish we hadn't put away the bike trailer, as now I am limited to biking without kids. Which is to say, I am not biking.
  • Accidentally watered the raspberry bushes for 24 hours. Woops.
  • Reason for Isaac's mysteriously truncated nap has been revealed: fever and diarrhea!
  • Attended a fantastic bible study on the Psalms, which followed a great series on Philipians. I am part of a bible study for the women at our church, and I have to say I am loving the group. There is so much wisdom there.
  • Mental note (suggested by an aforementioned wise woman): begin to pray for kiddos' future spouses. Gives me a broader perspective.
  • Date night last night. Checked out a new wine bar which was fantastic. Ordered a flight, which is my preferred way of enjoying wine - little tastes of many varietals. Unfortunately, I forgot about the high alcohol content of port. Had to wait a long time before driving home.
  • Must have more date nights.
  • Cool enough for apple crisp, not quite cool enough for pumpkin pie. Hot chocolate in the forecast.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, fall! I made an apple crisp this week with some of the vast stock of apples I bought at the last farmers market. (This, after canning 8 quarts of applesauce. And there's still QUITE a lot of apples left. I may have overdone it.)
