Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ring around the Roseola

Both kids are asleep, and I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. It's been one of those days where you wake up exhausted in the morning and wonder how you will get through the day. The upshot is that Anna got to watch more TV than usual while Mommy lay down. And now it's her turn, I guess. Following her mid-afternoon snack Anna declared that she had drank too much milk and now her tummy said she needed to lie down (on the floor). Thirty seconds later I hear snoring. Coincidence that she had just finished watching Sleeping Beauty?

Isaac's nap is a VERY good thing (going on 3 hours now). He's had a rough time of it lately. Saturday morning he woke up with a low grade fever. Against all current medical wisdom I attributed it to teething, and got my just rewards. We headed to my in-laws as planned, and early in the evening his fever hit 103F. Roseola! The rash came on yesterday, and persists today. As childhood illness go, I'm a big fan of roseola. It's just a fever and a non-irritating rash. The only down side is that it's contagious, so it curbed some of our plans for the weekend. And resulted in about 3 hours of sleep for me on Saturday night. At least, I hope it was the fever that got Isaac up every 1-2 hours and not merely a change of scenery. Otherwise we are SCREWED for our upcoming road trip.

Despite all of this, Saturday was fun. We were up at my in-laws place and Anna got to play with her cousins and hang out with her grandparents. I also brought a wine-blending kit, which we adults had fun with while the kiddies were engrossed with a movie. Or so we thought. About an hour into the film, a pile (a pile!) of recently consumed juice boxes were discovered near several shame-faced children. Questioning went something like this:

"How many boxes did you have?"
Child 1: a million!

"How many boxes did you have?"
Child 2: one
"Did you have two?"
Child 2: yes
"Did you have three?"
Child 2: yes

"How many boxes did you have?"
Child 3: I refuse to answer until my lawyer is present.

It was a miracle that no one peed in their bed.


  1. You have to tell who Child 3 is!!!

  2. Ugh, I think tonight is going to be a 3-hours-of-sleep kind of night for me because Violet is sick AGAIN. This sickness thing with the second child is totally wiping me out. But yeah, roseola is not too bad, right? Has Violet had it? I can't remember. But Grace having it is very vivid in my memory because it too corresponded with a trip we took and her fever was CRAZY high and kind of scary.

  3. I'll just say that Child 3 was not mine :-)
    It does feel like the quantity of illnesses increases exponentially with the second child. At least Anna already had roseola. (Julia, it was actually Grace's experience with roseola that helped me "diagnose" Anna when she had it.)
