Physical Attributes:
- Yummy
- Looks very much like his Mom at that age, down to a grin that reveals a tooth gap so large you could fit a grape in there.
- Not the burliest of boy babies, at only 19 lb 9 oz at the 9 month mark (30th percentile).
- Fair colouring, with hair that turns to fuzz at the first hint of humidity.
- Has a cry that sounds like a baby goat.
- Obviously very intelligent.
Emotional Attributes:
- Not a push-over. Although can be pushed over (by Anna).
- Relatively easy-going. Relative to his sister. Which is, I suppose, not saying much.
- Love-hate relationship with his high chair.
- Hate-hate relationship with his change table.
- Fear of our small rubber T. Rex. Possibly because Jon makes a roaring sound whenever Isaac gets near it.
- Cuddly.
- Ambivalent about being thrown in the air by Daddy. Mommy is also ambivalent about this.
- Chewing socks. He loves socks. But only baby-size socks.
- Chewing his toothbrush. He has very clean teeth (and gums).
- Crawling a foot or two, then stopping to chew something. Generally a sock or a toothbrush.
- Crawling up stairs. Unless T. Rex is on the stairs.
- Putting his head down on different textures and just soaking them in.
- Getting into drawers, particularly a drawer in our bathroom. Has an affinity for a box of tampons.
- Pulling books off shelves and then paging through them.
- Investigation, locating any swallow-sized and hazardous items within his reach.
- Rolling a ball.
- Throwing aforementioned items down stairs.
- Bath time!
- Pushing a shopping cart or other push toy and then banging it up and down when he hits a dead end.
- Kitchen cupboards.
- Banging the piano.
- Anna, particularly when she roars at him.
- "Walking" while yelling or blowing raspberries.
- Having Daddy bounce him on the couch pillows.
- Having his belly tickled with our head/hair.
- Bananas, blueberries, Cheerios, sweet potato, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, avocado, mango.
- Throwing the above on the ground.
That's Isaac in a nutshell, but like any baby he is greater than the sum of these parts. I'm excited to see who he will be a few months from now.