Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thirty things that make my three year old freak out.

My own list is inspired by the one on this blog, which is funnier than my list. So read mine first.

1) His socks have a "bump."
2) He did not get to blow out the match.
3) His sister went up the stairs first.
4) He wants to buckle himself into the car.
5) It's too hard to buckle himself into the car.
6) The car is TOO HOT! [Ambient temperature = 32 F]
7) His hands are TOO HOT! [Ambient temperature = Any]
8) He does not want to wash his hands.
9) He does not want to wash his hands alone.
10) He did not get to flush the potty.
11) The water, as he stands in the bath tub, is TOO HOT!
12) Fifteen minutes later, as he sits in the bath tub, the water is TOO COLD!
13) A soap bubble came within five inches of his eye.
14) He was told not to drink the vegetable dip.
15) Snow is not warm.
16) He cannot have hot ice cream.
17) Daddy left for work without giving him a hug. [Actual hug, 2 minutes prior.]
18) He does not want egg in his French toast.
19) He wants to GET OUT OF HERE!
20) His sister got to finish the last drop of Daddy's Coke.
21) I washed his owie, which healed two weeks ago.
22) It is TOO SUNNY. [Ambient light level = 10 lumens]
23) The food is TOO SPICY. [No actual spices added.]
23) Flu shots exist.
24) He did not see the stink bug before it was flushed away.
25) He saw the stink bug.
26) There are no youtube videos playing on the computer where Mommy is working.
27) Lotion threatened to touch his skin.
28) I hugged his sister in plain sight.
29) Wind.
30) I didn't play cars right.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, this is all so familiar. Violet gets SO UPSET by such random things.
