Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Raw nerve seeking astrocyte

1) I am over-caffeinated. Curse you, pumpkin spice coffee.

2) I'm trying to save my latest Jasper Fforde novel until our November vacation. It's so rare that I find a book I like, that I want to be in a relaxed frame of mind while I read it. Reading in 5 minute, half asleep, chunks before bed doesn't seem right.

3) It took me eight seasons to realize that House was just a medical version of Sherlock Holmes. The incredible, recent BBC version of the latter is also over (for now). We also finished Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Universe, and Downton Abbey. I was sad until I discovered Once. The idea of it is sufficiently interesting that I'm willing to overlook the sometimes stilted acting, often awkward dialogue, and consistently bad CG.

4) Looking at 2 and 3 above, it appears I only like mysteries, science fiction, and nursery crime, with occasional dalliances into period drama. Fine.

5) I still do not hate Maryland. This is surprising given the following in and around our house: invasive stink bugs, wandering marbled orbweaver spiders, cicada killers, speedy foot long earth worms, lightning fast spider crickets, and the horror-which-shall-not-be-named which has a million legs, is at least 2 inches long, eats other bugs, and whose name I truly can't remember.

6) Anna hasn't made any good friends at school, and I don't know why. It's also becoming apparent that she is a strong auditory learner (her memory blows me away), and I don't think schools are set up for that. She will be a slow to average reader, I think. At the same time, her spatial skills are superb. I suspect the school I picked out for her in CO would have been a much better fit. But thinking about that is useless and makes me sad.

7) I am wicked lonely. So, I'm thinking again about joining Twitter. It's the next best thing to friends!

8) My mom and brother are traveling in Turkey. My mom has never been outside of Canada/US before, so I feel this is a big deal. I am thrilled for them. I am also wondering if they will try Turkish delight and whether the Turkish people actually call them Turkish delights. Or just delights.

9) Isaac remembers names, recognizes letters, and knows their sounds. I think he will be an early reader. Take that, gender-predicted differences in learning!

10) Meeting people at our church has been a glacial process. Once again, I have to congratulate our former church on their integrative skills, which of course I didn't fully appreciate at the time.

11) Is there anything more dangerous than judging the Jedi Master Competition in your three year old's small bedroom whilst two children bandy about with their light sabers? No, there is not.

12) The autumn foliage has been spectacular. I'm told this is not usual. This makes me thankful that we can enjoy it this year.

13) Of all the people I've talked to, only four were not born and raised in this area. I've never lived anywhere like that before. Is this why I have the sense that we're looked upon with a bit (a tiny tiny bit) of... suspicion is too strong a word. Maybe, uncertainty? On a related note, the only people that have made efforts to get to know us are not from this area (see first sentence). This has made it easy for me to get in touch my internal hermit (she says "hello!")

14) We are deciding whether to continue to pour money into our car(s) or sell one and get a minivan. We can't really afford a minivan, but I hate throwing good money after bad. And if we don't end up staying here, I'd like to sell both cars before we move to wherever it is that we'll land next. So yah, it would be nice to know what's going to happen next.


  1. You should totally join Twitter! I will totally follow you! :)

    One of my grad school friends was from Turkey and he brought a box of Turkish delight back one time from a trip home to share with a bunch of us. It is an actual real candy in Turkey, often homemade but storebought too, and it has a name in Turkish that is some equivalent of "taffy" or "caramel" or something, i.e. not really a name that means anything in particular to most people. He brought out the box and he thought I was hilarious, being all, "Is that Turkish delight?! Like from Narnia?"

  2. Oh heavens, Wikipedia has just told me that in English this candy was originally known as "Lumps of Delight". Fabulous.

  3. Our Guilty Pleasure? Breaking Bad. Ok ok it's about Meth...but really good, terrific acting, gorgeous on location filming in ABQ. BtW I didn't have a single friend my first full year in Cali....and no one at the local elementary would even talk to me. We very slowly started to make friends through joining soccer, scouts and serving in Children's Ministry at church. Hang in there!
