Sunday, March 4, 2012


Yes, it's time for the potty training entry. I knew this time would come, but had thought to avoid it a little longer.
I know many parents yearn for the day they can begin potty training. Changing those diapers gets old, almost from the moment it begins. The expense (for disposables) and/or time (for cloth) becomes wearisome. And let's face it: as the bum gets bigger, so does the poop. 
But think for a moment what the diaper actually gives you: freedom! Freedom to change that diaper whenever and wherever you want (within reason). Freedom to walk out the door knowing that you will not be changing pants and socks and maybe shoes along with whatever derriere cover you are using. Freedom to enter a restaurant or shopping facility or park and not immediately scan the area for any and all potty facilities, simultaneously wondering why you didn't just throw the little portable potty in the car because it doesn't take up all that much space, after all.
In short, potty training is not fun.

You may suspect from my reticence that training Anna didn't go all that smoothly. And you would be partly right. Such a regular little soul, she was actually half-trained by her second birthday. (I figured this was the ying to her poor-sleep-habits yang.) Based on this success, and with some smugness, I started on the other half with when she was 2.5. A year later we still couldn't leave the house without extra clothes. Eventually, I think she realized that heading to the potty before it became an emergency took less time than having an accident. But that knowledge was hard won.

Now suddenly it was Isaac's turn. I wanted to wait until he was at least three, since I heard that boys struggle with this a little more. And frankly I just wanted to put off the Year of Cleaning Pee. No, I didn't totally avoid the issue. Once he was 2.5 we introduced the concept, and he seemed... intrigued. But heaven forbid his touche should touch that cold rim.
Diaper on, said Isaac.
We'll be lucky to start you at age three, I thought.

This went on.

Then, about two weeks ago we bought some motivational underwear. You know, the ones with pictures on them. Lightning McQueen in this case. They were for future endeavors. Certainly not for now. I was not ready. I had not steeled myself. The rug was not yet rolled up. The couch was not covered in plastic. The Year of Cleaning Pee was not yet to begin.

You know how this ends.

Isaac insisted on wearing his magic underpants as soon as we got home, and things snowballed from there. Two weeks, one package of M&Ms, and $30 worth of toy cars later, Isaac is fully trained. Hasn't had an accident in days. Miracle of miracles.

Sooo.... anybody want some Fuzzi Buns?


  1. That's amazing! I hope we are so lucky with #3. Potty training is my least favorite thing involved in parenthood that I have experienced so far-- the horror! THE HORROR. Violet did seem a little less painful than Grace, although I think that may be because I was more prepared for the aforementioned horror.

    And you know about, right? There are a few hoops to jump through to sell on their site so you might want to try Craigslist first, but you get very good money over there.

  2. It IS amazing. I was quite steeled for the horror, as you put it. I do know about diaperswappers, but their hoops were a little much for me. I'm going to see if I can deal locally first.
