Thursday, December 17, 2009

Further Reflections on Cooking

Okay, so I'm a little obsessed with food. It IS the season, after all. You know: love, joy, peace, and sugar.
Cooking is also on my mind since I finally saw Julie & Julia. Very good. At the beginning of the movie I thought "Oh, there's Meryl Streep." At the end of the movie I thought "Oh, there's Julia Child." (Amy Adams was good, but not quite that good.) But beyond the story or acting, I was taken with the idea of a year long cooking project. The discipline of methodically going through an entire cookbook - good, bad, and invertebrate - is very appealing to me. Nothing whisks (hey, that's a pun!) me away more than being able to spend uninterrupted hours in the kitchen.

I imagined going through an entire cookbook of my own choosing (Thai? Middle Eastern? Alice Waters? Vegetarian? No, not vegetarian. Too much cheese.) And then I remembered that I have two little people that some days prevent me from boiling water. So THAT got me thinking even more: Where is the cooking show that shows what it's really like for Moms in the kitchen? The show that demonstrates why a 30 minute meal actually takes 2 hours? The show that explores what to do when you forget to take the crock pot out of the fridge at noon, and it's now 3:30? The show that asks the question: What do I do when it's 5:00, the baby needs to be changed and put down for a nap NOW, but I just dumped pasta into the boiling water? The show that guides moms as they discover they forgot to buy half of the ingredients for the dinner they're making that night?

Then I thought: maybe I should do that show as a series of youtube videos. But before I could mull it over some more the baby cried, Anna needed her milk, the phone rang, the washing machine beeped....

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